Jenny Wood, Chair, WM-ADASS Branch, and Director of Adult Social Care & Deputy Chief Executive, Solihull Council
Our Vision is for:
Promoting independence, social justice, and thriving communities in the West Midlands through sustainable social care and health systems, while ensuring an effective response to the new CQC assurance process. Our four key objectives are:
- Statutory duties, reform and assurance: Prepare for the CQC assurance process by implementing specific support offer to 14 councils within the first six months of 2024.
- Providing safe support: Ensure a sustainable care market and workforce, and effective relations with the NHS, by implementing specific initiatives and achieving measurable targets during 2024/25.
- Working with people: Promote social justice and support fair, thriving local communities and economies by implementing specific initiatives; achieving measurable outcomes within the next two years.
- Leadership and innovation: Implement specific digital, data, and research initiatives to drive innovation and achieve measurable improvements within the next three years.
Our vision is also underpinned by ongoing work we are undertaking to plan for the long-term future of adult social care using scenario-based planning.