Research Development

Research engagement and development in many ways can be seen an under-developed activity in Adult Social Care.

We do have examples where organisations and practitioners engage with university-based research, but an approach to testing and developing theory, and informing future practice, policy and planning, that is more research-led and evidence informed, is needed.

In partnership with the National Institute for Health and Care Research, WM ADASS has begun to build a research culture for adult social care across the region.  Our aims are to:

  • make research more relevant to practice;
  • emphasise evidence-informed approaches;
  • create a culture of professional curiosity
  • co-produce research with people with lived experience
  • promote the activity across the region

We have been successful in gaining funding NIHR for the recruitment of three regional ‘research champions. During 2022/23 they will be undertaking a range of activities which will include

  • Supporting a regional evaluation project focusing on research engagement in Adult Social Care
  • establishing Communities of Practice, sharing best practice, knowledge, learning and identification of research priorities
  • ensuring mechanisms in place to ensure research activity is disseminated and learning available to practitioners

Are you interested in knowing more about research? A new interactive learning programme for the National institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) an ‘Introduction to Research in Social Care Settings. It’s a combination of 4 modules which focus on why we do social care research, understanding legislation governing research, national infrastructure and study governance, roles of the research team, understanding of how studies are delivered and identifying opportunities to become research active. Upon completion of these modules there is then an invitation to join a live interactive session.

Visit the NIHR Learn web page to sign up and register