Research Champions

Information about our three new research champions, who will start work in March 2025, will be published shortly

Our latest Research Champions follow in the footsteps of Jemma White, Sandra Simpson and Vicky Croft, who were appointed by WM ADASS in 2022, seconded from member councils, to support the programme.

As part of their work they completed the research study Barriers to engagement in research and readiness to undertake research in Adult Social Care in partnership with colleagues at the University of Birmingham.

The study identifies the barriers and enablers to adult social care practitioners engaging in research activity; maps the current engagement in research across the region and develops understanding of research engagement of adult social care staff.

Their secondments were completed in August 2024.

WM ADASS Research Champions

The Research Champions worked with practitioners and the care sector in the fourteen local authorities with social care responsibilities in the West Midlands region, with a view to raising the profile of research in social care and encouraging practitioners to learn about and build capacity to undertake research.