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NHS Tactics | Social Care Tactics | ICS maturity indicator |
Robust review of CHC cases with the aim of transfer to social care responsibility (and therefore making savings in CHC budget) | Robust assessment and review, with the aim of evidencing CHC eligibility and transfer to NHS responsibility, resulting in saving to budgets | Joint approach and common purpose in understanding and management of CHC and social care demand, with shared activity data and transparency of savings plans, which are jointly supported |
Establishment of 'joint funding' protocols which minimise NHS financial and staff liabilities | Establishment of 'joint funding' protocols which maximise financial support from NHS, to help address financial pressures | Joint approach and common purpose in supporting people with complex needs, with ethos of maximising independence, supported by jointly agreed protocols and regular joint audits to ensure best practice |
Discharging patients from hospital by 'underplaying' the needs so that care homes accept and discharge is quicker | Under-development of the potential to provide rapid social care responses to avoid hospital admission, because social care seen as not been funded to do this (but it has potential to have good impact, if it did) | Home first programme where joint delivery plans are created through agreement of 'single version of the truth' of current situation and what the jointly agreed future model and standards need to be, with iterative improvement process and regular review points |
Arguing for various therapies and equipment provision to be the responsibility of social care, to reduce NHS costs and save staff capacity | Arguing for various therapies and equipment provision to be the responsibility of the NHS, to reduce social care costs and save staff capacity | Joint understanding and common purpose regarding the delivery model with best impact for responsiveness, independence and outcomes, with a funding model identified through transparent financial planning having regard to both NHS and social care pressures |