Adult Safeguarding Oversight Scorecard

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No. Measure Indicative good performance Rationale
1 % Concern decision making timescale of 3 days met. 80% Visibility of initial responsiveness. Genuine reasons for some to take longer means % is less than 100.
2 % Enquiries completed within 60 days. 75% Visibility of completion performance, recognising some enquiries take longer.
3 % Safeguarding plans reviewed within timescale of 183 days. 100% For assurance that required actions are completed in good practice timescales
4 % Enquiries completed where outcomes were sought. 80% For assurance that people are being asked what outcomes they want, where-ever possible. Sometimes not possible for genuine reasons, means % is less than 100.
5 % Where outcomes expressed, they are fully or partially achieved. 80% For assurance that safeguarding processes aim to respond to the outcomes determined by people. As individuals choose their outcomes, there are a small percentage that may not be appropriate to meet e.g. a worker being sacked without evidence.
6 % Enquiries completed where the individual is asked if they felt safer. 70% To determine if people feel safer as a result of the safeguarding intervention, recognising that while this is the ambition, it is not achievable 100% of the time.
7 % Where asked if they felt safer, they responded they felt safer or there was no difference. 95% As above, recognising there will be a small percentage where the individual chooses to continue to live with risk.
8 % Staff completed training appropriate to safeguarding role. 100% To be a measure of mandatory training.
9 % Provider CQC ratings Outstanding or Good. 100% Provider CQC ratings in the area give an indication of overall quality and risk of safeguarding in provider-related situations.
10 Number of providers in Large-Scale Enquiry. - This measure is more for information and a commentary will provide context.
11 Number of Safeguarding Adult Review referrals received. - This measure is more for information and a commentary will provide context.
12 Number Safeguarding Adult Reviews under way.  - This measure is more for information and a commentary will provide context.
13 Longest wait and average wait in key teams, e.g. mental health social work team, community older people’s team, adult disability team, occupational therapy team. - This is both a risk and a safeguarding management indicator. Commentary will explain actions to manage waiting list, prioritisation etc.