
About the West Midlands Adass Research Programme

WM ADASS has been working, since 2022, with the National Institute of Health and Social Care Research and the University of Birmingham on a programme to develop a sustainable research culture and infrastructure for adult social care in across the West Midlands.

Following a successful bid to NIHR, we have funding for various inititives to embed research activity at the heart of practice improvement. All 14 authorities in the West Midlands are behind the initiative, which reflects a wider appetite for change to the current situation in which:

  • There has not been a culture nationally for research in local authorities for adult social care
  • Many policy posts have been lost over the past decade
  • Research generally takes place in universities or by clinicians in health settings
  • There is a lack of infrastructure in local authorities for research in adult social care.
  • The Chief Social Worker identified as a priority area for 2022/23 the need to promote and advise on investment in research

To sustain the initial progress made in 2022/23 funding has been secured for extending the Research Champions posts throughout 2023/24. In addition:

  • WM ADASS has agreed to fund access for the British Journal of Social Work for 12
    months for all adult social care practitioners in the region to continue to raise awareness
    and build momentum for research
  • WM ADASS is to seek funding to recruit a Research Associate post for the region to
    support the identification of priorities, establish a research governance process, manage
    bids for research funding, and begin to develop and deliver an adult social care research
  • WM ADASS is working with the University of Birmingham to develop collaborative adult
    social care research projects with WM-ARC (Applied Research Collaborations)

Activity Highlights

As part of our programme to develop a sustainable research culture and infrastructure for adult social care in region we are:

Watch the recording of our Research Engagement Event 18 July 2023, attended by more than 170 practitioners.

You can access the main slide deck from the event on 18 July in our resources section.

Title slide from research event 18 July

Watch the recording of our Research Engagement Event 16 May 2023, attended by more than 100 practitioners.

Title slide from research event 16 July

You can access the main slide deck from the research engagement event from 16 May in our resources section.

In our resources section you can also access the NIHR slide deck that describes its Local Authority programme

Use this link to access the NIHR slide deck Considering a Practitioner Academic Career - Opportunities with the NIHR