Paul Johnston

WM-ADASS Associate

Paul has built successful careers at a senior level in major private and public sector organisations, starting his working life with Barclays Bank before switching to local government in 2002 to set up and lead a business transformation function in a County Council and later as Service Director with responsibility for the design of “Day 1” services as part of the Local Government Reorganisation programme in Northumberland.

Paul co-founded an active and well-respected change management consultancy and has built a successful long-term relationship with West Midlands ADASS, supporting whole system improvement, commissioning, Better Care Fund planning and performance improvement initiatives, both regionally and within individual local systems through a succession of assignments over ten years.

Paul worked for two years as Interim Executive Director of Place for a large unitary council which included responsibility for place-shaping and economic growth, delivering the council’s economic, community and environmental ambitions. In this role Paul had a leadership role within the recently formed North of Tyne Combined Authority and was the Council’s Lead Executive for the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, where he helped secure a £350m investment package for the five council areas within the Borderlands partnership. Other regional involvement included working with the North East LEP to help shape economic strategy and priorities. Paul led the Council’s Climate Change and Cultural Development programmes and oversaw the Council’s preparations for EU Exit. He also led one of four thematic programmes within the county’s Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy, focusing on the wider determinants of health & wellbeing.

Paul is currently supporting the WM-ADASS programme through the development of an interactive data and knowledge hub and through targeted support across the health and care system, including a refresh of the WM-ADASS position statement on the economic importance of social care in the region. He is supporting the COVID-19 response and recovery effort as an active member of the Care Home Cell, has coordinated efforts to stabilise the supply of PPE and has developed the region’s COVID-19 Dashboard as a basis for increased awareness, assurance and action.

Paul also provides support to the LGA, through its programme of facilitated DToC workshops.